Visit any of the sites below. Your job is to describe the site in one paragraph. You can tell what it looks like, what it shows us, who made it, or what it's for. Do this in 5-7 sentences. DO NOT COPY. Your paragraph will link to the site, so remember which one you went to and identify it clearly.
Then, tell us what you think. This should be in another paragraph. You can tell us your opinion of the site, what it says, or what it does, or, you can tell us what you think about the subject. You can say that it is interesting or different (this is an opinion) but tell us why. Use 5-7 sentences for this also.
Write it on paper FIRST (to use for speaking, and to get grammar corrected). THEN you will put it on your weblog, and everyone can read it! Good luck!
Court TV Crime Library
Crime Magazine on the web
Ten Most Wanted List
World's Most Dangerous Locations
History Files- Al Capone
Stock Market Crash
Crime in the Depression
Don't be Cruel - RIP Peter Yarrow
5 weeks ago