I like the first website because I suppose that brown has an adult, stable, and calm image. And, the color isn't dark, but also light so it's easier to read sentences. As you know, Montreal is a French-speaking city, so we can enjoy French culture. In there, there are many theatres, art museums, the center of architecture, casinos, jazz bars, and clubs.
I think this color design is cultivated, newly high quality, enjoyable, devoloped city image.
I like the first website because the color of the background on the website is the grayed greened brown, which present brown is earthy, outdoors and warm, but considered dirty and dull, and gray is modern, intelligent, solid, clean, but also boring, dull, sad, and old, and green is nature, environment, youth, spring but also envy, could be trouble for color-blind. I suppose that the principals combined with the urban city's good and bad point. Some part of town has cleaness and brightness, but the other has darkness and dirtiness. And, as you know, Montreal is a French Speaking city, so we can enjoy French culture, fully. In there, there are many theatres, art museums,t he center of the architecture, casinos, jazz bars, clubs. It may match with the image of the city, fashionable, an adult, stable, calm image, and designs cultivated, newly high quality,enjoyable, development, European city. Moreover, the CONTRAST of the color is good because the character's color is black and the background's color is the grayed greened brown. So, it can be said that it has a strong contrast. Also, TEXT isn't written in all bold, all italics,or all capitals. It represents the SIMPLICITY and CLEANLINESS. Besides, it has a strong ALIGNMENT which is the left. And, links are on the left, too. Actually, it makes a peaceful.Totally, these techniques makes that to be intelligible and comfortable to watch. It's significiant for us to choose a few or some one in many websites.
Midori Ogasawara
Don't be Cruel - RIP Peter Yarrow
5 weeks ago
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