Read and respond to one of the following:
Time to end recidivism
The Nation, R. Aborn (recidivism=rate of returning to prison after being released). Do you agree with Mr. Aborn?
Capital Punishment- Pro & Con
Students make arguments- choose two. What do you think of them?
Celebrity Crime (click on one): Choose one, try to get the outline of the crime. What do you think of it?
hacker hoaxes claims that major viruses were actually hoaxes (tricks) you believe this?
Frontline's report on Hackers...choose one, click on it, and tell what you think!
Secret DNA testing should be banned (in UK)...BBC...what do you think?
110 inmates freed after DNA testing (but their lives are ruined)...try to get the main idea & tell what you think.
DNA testing & the death penalty...what do you think?
deterrence and the death penalty...lots of interesting do you feel about some of them?
Death by murder: safest and most dangerous places. What do you think?
Bad girls go wild: girl-on-girl violence
Furever Friends Anthology
4 weeks ago
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