First, there are a lot of occupations that are dominated by men, for example construction worker and the percent is 95%, that makes us conider this occupation 'male dominated' because if there is job and the percent is more than 90% we consider it a male or female occupation; for example, fire fighter 95%, truck driver 98%, and people who work in factories who carry heavy things.
There are alot of jobs dominated by women such as baby sitter 90%, teacher in kindergarden and barber shop for women; most who work there are women. We realized that the occupation that female has risen the most in is in tv commecials.
What do male dominated the most occupation have in common?
The men's jobs need strong hard and strong body, but women can work in more comfortuble places like in the office. That's what they have in common .I've learend a lot from this subject and you can visit this site if you want to learn more about gender and occupation .
In my opinion women must work in comfortuble places because it's too hard for them to work hard jobs like the men. Also, i think the best place for the women to be a house wife and taking care of children, but if women want to work they must arrange their time between work and house and choose work which is good for them and for thier families, because in the end the best place and most comfortuble place for women is home.
Don't be Cruel - RIP Peter Yarrow
5 weeks ago
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