AE2 SUPERMAN - Muwoong
Capital punishment has to disappear in the world. It is never effictive to execute a brutal criminal to prevent a dreadful crime.
First, the capital punishment is a second murder committed by the nation's authority. The death penalty violates human rights. Many criminals were executed without enough evidence. After the execution was performed by the government, the truth was often revealed.
Next, Most serious crimes(such as murder) are caused by the organizational contradiction of our society and a criminals' extreme rage. In other word; the fundamental cause of crime is never the individual or his/her responsibility. Most brutal criminals have grown up in a low socioeconomic environment without an appropriate family and community's supports. If we want a more fundamental solution to deter a dreadful crime, we have to consider structual contradiction and social reform.
In conclusion, Capital punishment is never the best method to prevent a dreadful crime. To solve dreadful crimes in our society, we must seek more fundamental solutions.
Don't be Cruel - RIP Peter Yarrow
5 weeks ago
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