I went to www.deathpenalty. org, and i tried to search hpw death penalty works with murder. I read about the US especially, there are some state wich use the death penalty for murder but others don't use it. For example Kansas and New york, which adopted the death penalty in 1994 and 1995 respectively. If thesr states are even more dramatic. In 1990, the murder rates in death penalty states and states without it was 4%. By 2000, murder rate in the death penalty states was 35%hight than the rate in states without the death penalty. In my opinion, the death penalty doesn't work because criminals don't fear execution; as you know, there are some criminals who kill poeple after they kill themselves, and also thier target is to kill then they can say, " I will kill you; after that they will execute me"> That is a kind of encouragement that the death penalty gives them. I suggest to those states which use death penalty to give up and panush them with life in prison.
Idscussed with some Americans thier opinions on the death penalty. One group agrees with it and said the execution is a good punishment of murder because of the family of the victim ,if they don't see the killer or heard his/her news in prison; they will be happy and also they will forget the victim. Another group said if someone commits a murder the goverment has to throw the book at him, they to put him in prison npot kill him. That is because if they kill him , he will not feel the panushment. Then all of them said, death penalty and life in prison don't decrease the murder.
By Gilbert
Don't be Cruel - RIP Peter Yarrow
5 weeks ago
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