I visited this site here.This site discribes about that EU's genger gap still wide open. European women do better in school than men, but get lower pay nad fewer top job. Women have higher education than men, but they can't earn much money and can't do nice jobs. If you visit this site, you can see about share of female managers, gernder pay gap and part time wokers with each aonytry's graph.
My opinion
When I visited this site, I was purprised at these topic because I don't know about EU's gernder gap is still wide open. I think that it is unequal for women. However, actually in Japan, gernder gap is still exist. In japan, also women can't get much money or do good jobs. Therefore, we shold reform these unfair terms.
crypto reserve
2 days ago
we disscuse the same site1!ha ha!!
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