If you want to visit Grimm Fairy Tales web site, please click here.
This web site’s design looks fancy. It uses a lot of colors and unique characters. This web site is designed by EnTechneVison. In this web site, there are several programs. The main program is fairy tales. You can read the Grimm fairy tales and all of them have illustrations. Also, you can read them while listening to the narration. Other programs are games and coloring pages. There are different kinds of games and pictures in this web site.
My opinion
I think this web site is useful not only for children but also for people who study English. We can read and listen to fairy tales in English, so it helps us to improve English reading and listening skills. Also, this web site is so interesting because there are a lot of programs which we can enjoy. When we want to play games, we can enjoy games in this site. This site is used for children, so there are a lot of characters. But those characters are not cute but weird. In my country, children prefer cute characters to weird characters. I think the taste is different between America and Japan.
Don't be Cruel - RIP Peter Yarrow
5 weeks ago
Your information about this site make me easily nuderstand what it has. Nice!^^ By kyoung sun
nice job
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