Thursday, February 02, 2012

Let's go good trip!

If you travel somewhere without a plan, I can guess you won't have a good trip. You have to make a plan about your journey. I'm going to tell you about how to go on a good trip!

First, you should make plans at least two months before. It cannot be too early to make a plan. You should research about where you're going to go and buy tickets faster. Sometimes you can buy them cheaper than the usual price. Second, you ought to make several different plans, because when you have a problem during travel and you cannot do as you expect, you can change your plan. For example, if it's rain, you should go to a museum or somewhere instead of going an amusement park. Third, you'd better leave memories after you come back. Put in order your pictures taken there and make notes about how it was there, what you felt and so on. That's a very good thing. A few decades later, when you see those things, you can remember those memories clearly.

You can spend a wonderful time there if you follow this advice, and you can keep your trip. Have a good trip!!