Friday, February 24, 2012

Rescue for Princess [Writing Class]

One day, Daniel is fall asleep in the evening because, he was working hard in the baseball game. He is captain for in his baseball club, also he has good leadership abilities; as a result, the baseball team players are accompanied him.
He went to sleep after several hours, he woke up at the noise and he went to the restroom to past a letter. After that, he frightened that he was looking in the mirror. There he stood like a drowned mouse because he turned into “Kimchi.” He was hearing for a woman’s voice. He thinks it is a load of rubbish, but the voice hears more clearly for his ears. He is concentrating on this sound. It is someone shouting for help. The request is to rescue the princess in Bucks’ country. Daniel asked the sound of their voices. “Why choose for me? I want to return to my body.” The voice said, “Our princess is in your father’s body. If you rescue our princess you will go back your body. Please, help our princess.” They also said that Daniel was brave and honest to select it.
Daniel has accepted the request and Daniel goes to the breakfast table he waited his father in the Kimchi dish. Father starts the meal and his adventure began. Daniel has arrived in the mouth where the adventure start armed his body. He is met with mouth bacteria. He struggled his first win his adventure; in addition, he moved into the esophagus. There is a steep cliff, like a waterfall. He must be passed this place because, he is met bacteria king. Daniel bravely jumped in to the esophagus and he is at that moment he thought he is losing his life. Fortunately, he had arrived safely in the stomach. There seemed like a river. He tried to find the location of the princess on the map. Daniel also kidnapped the princess has been collecting information about food in the stomach. He was the king of bacteria. Daniel and soldiers began to gather. It is not easy. Only two friends have just secured for Daniels’ company. Daniel corps is moving to kingdom of Bacterial. Daniel, John and Max have promised to end this war. John and max who had failed to get the princess. They have a fierce battle in small an intestine.
Max was a warrior in this fight. Daniel was very sad, but his battle continued. Finally, Daniel and John arrived in the kingdom of the bacteria. They are surprise to see so many bacteria soldiers; however, they are not afraid or bacteria because they are usually together at these times. The fierce battle is lasting several days. They are entering the palace. When he met a king of bacteria, Daniel was very afraid because he goes back to reality. If Daniel is defeated in the war and he does not rescue the princess. He never goes back to his place and he will go to the anus. Unfortunately, he is defeated in the final battle; as a result, he washed in large intestine with a lot of food. It is like hell. It is really terrible and dirty; consequently, Daniel’s body rots…
Daniel is very surprised about this situation. He shrieked as he is flat lining.
He is work up on the bed. It must be a nightmare. 
-The End....


CESL said...

lovely story. You have a wonderful imagination. I like your story especially the part that you describe the situation inside the Daniel's father.

good luck.