I. Kip Kinkel pleads guilty...
Go here to kinkleplea.ram.
Remember to go to the harddrive; go to applications; open up Real One (the tape player), then come back; this will be on your desktop.
II. Kinkel sentenced.
Go here to kipfinal.ram.
Same story!
Tuesday, December 13, 2005
Listening - Final
Posted by CESL at 7:11 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, December 07, 2005
Violent Girls
I looked at ’Bad girls go wild’ in the Newsweek. I learned 3 things. First of all, percent change in juvenile arrests for aggravated assault, 1980~2003, the number of girls increased 96%. Second, today one in three juveniles arrested for violent crimes are female. Last, a lot of juvenile females assault both girls and boys violently. I think that plenty of young females who make violence lack love from family or people around them. Therefore, people who know her should take care of her with love. In addition, they need to talk about their mind before committing crime.
I have asked those questions to some people. They answered something in common with each other. First, what can you tell a violent girl, if you meet her? People answered that there would be so many other things girls could enjoy and make their life better doing so. Second, how should they be punished? People replied that they would educate them about the future side effect caused by the physical fighting and the violent activity girls do to other people. Third, have you ever been attacked by a female? People gave an answer that a female had never attacked them. Last, do their parents have responsibility for their children’s violence? People responded that parents were responsible for their children’s violence so that they should be educated in good parenting. I agree with all of people’s opinions and I got the answer that I needed from people. However, nobody talked about her needing parental love and care. First of all, people who know her should take care of her with love so that it can prevent them from violence and crime.
Jeongki Lee
Posted by CESL at 10:07 AM 0 comments
DNA Testing and the Death Penalty
I look at DNA Testing and the Death Penalty. I learned 108 people including 12 death row prisoners were forgiven because of use of DNA testing in the U.S. on June 2002. They use DNA testing to help confirm the innocence or guilt. In 2001, at least 14 of the 38 death penalty states now give prisoners the right to DNA testing. I think DNA testing is very important thing because DNA is very definite. Many prisoners were saved from death penalty after DNA testing.
I asked 4 questions to 3 Americans. I asked these questions. 1. What do you think about DNA testing, is it good or bad? 2. Why? 3. What do you think about the Death penalty? 4. Why is the murder rate going down? Everyone said DNA testing is good because some guy said DNA testing can be use in the courts. An other person said it shows the proof and other person said it can find the criminal easily. Question 3's answer was divided into 2 opinions. 2 people said Death penalty is good. One person said it is bad because many innocent people die. 2 people have no idea about question 4. One person said family value in society has improved over the last several years.
Posted by CESL at 9:48 AM 0 comments
Hackers History
I talked with my neighbor Darrel, about hackers . He thinks hackers are immoral and he doesn't know about the history of hackers because he believes that is a bad thing because they go through people's privacy and they are trying to steal the people's documents. Next, about what's the best way to stop these people, he thinks very family has to study the nature of greed and explain to all families from now to the end of time. In conclusion, I think to stop the hackers the first solution is from the family first to teach their kids.
Posted by CESL at 9:47 AM 1 comments
CAPITAL Punishment
Capital punishment
This website, which I read about “Capital Punishment- Pro & Con, talks about capital punishment, but the content is not by professional people, for example they said, “Just for fun”. There are eight students who expressed their belief about the death penalty. Specially, the people argue against capital punishment. In “Hard to kill a wrongly convicted criminal”, there are four people who suggest their opinion. Edward Laijas thought that innocent people will be wrongfully executed all in the name of justice. Jon Manning proposed that this slow execution rate is the process of appeals; from sentencing to execution there is about a seven to eight year wait. Abel Martinez put forward that people who kill someone in self defense should not be treated as one who kills just for the sake of killing. Jessica Spinler thought that the possibility of an innocent person being put to death is another argument some people have against the death penalty. Considering these opinions, I find the strongest reason that argues against capital punishment, is that, people cannot completely trust the law. “An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth,” is what most people agree with, but the truth is so difficult and confusing. So the law and judgment are the most important problems whether the death penalty is permitted.
In my interview, we talked about the following questions:
1. Do you agree with capital punishment in America? Why?
2. Do you agree with capital punishment everywhere? Why?
3. What crime should result in capital punishment in America?
4. Do you know what religion is against capital punishment?
All people do agree with capital punishment in America, even everywhere. They think that the murders were so cruel, to serve victims we need to consider their feeling and life. Then they only know that the homicide should result in capital punishment in America. Concerning that, people have different opinions about the relation between religion and capital punishment. Especially, Christians are in the same situation also. There are two things which are interesting for me. The first one, most people who are against capital punishment are Christians, but I unexpectedly heard the Christians agree with the death penalty. The second one, in my textbook, their discussion focused on the relation between the capital punishment and decreasing the murder rate, and whether to support the death penalty. In my interview, they never proposed how to decrease the murder rate with an extreme penalty, and they just talked about justice and righteousness. So I think that most American don’t care whether the capital punishment can decrease the murder rate, they just care whether the abolition is equal for the victims. Finally, in my opinion, I disagree with the capital punishment because I think the murderers never consider how certain the punishment will be when they were killing someone. Next, what value is the execution in the world? The death penalty just makes the murderers who were captured be gone. Then, nothing is changed and that the tragedy still is the same situation. However, if the murderer could be reformed, their stories will be good examples, and even affect some evil people to be correct. Maybe it is so difficult for this vision and it is like a dream. But I prefer to choose the little chance for the world and that I don’t want to make one more murderers in the world.
Posted by CESL at 9:37 AM 0 comments
Murder and death penalty
I went to www.deathpenalty. org, and i tried to search hpw death penalty works with murder. I read about the US especially, there are some state wich use the death penalty for murder but others don't use it. For example Kansas and New york, which adopted the death penalty in 1994 and 1995 respectively. If thesr states are even more dramatic. In 1990, the murder rates in death penalty states and states without it was 4%. By 2000, murder rate in the death penalty states was 35%hight than the rate in states without the death penalty. In my opinion, the death penalty doesn't work because criminals don't fear execution; as you know, there are some criminals who kill poeple after they kill themselves, and also thier target is to kill then they can say, " I will kill you; after that they will execute me"> That is a kind of encouragement that the death penalty gives them. I suggest to those states which use death penalty to give up and panush them with life in prison.
Idscussed with some Americans thier opinions on the death penalty. One group agrees with it and said the execution is a good punishment of murder because of the family of the victim ,if they don't see the killer or heard his/her news in prison; they will be happy and also they will forget the victim. Another group said if someone commits a murder the goverment has to throw the book at him, they to put him in prison npot kill him. That is because if they kill him , he will not feel the panushment. Then all of them said, death penalty and life in prison don't decrease the murder.
By Gilbert
Posted by CESL at 9:36 AM 0 comments
DNA testing & the death penalty
I investigated DNA (deoxyribonucleic aid) testing using the website,"DNA testing & the death penalty." DNA is an essential molecule which is part og every cell in our body such as skin, saliva, semen, blood or hair, etc. DNA testing helps accuratelu convict or exonerate. I heard that there wew a lot or suspects who received a wrong decion in the world, so DNA ersting is very important to solve many crimes. I hope that a wrong decision and crimes will be lost.
I asked some questions to three Americans. First is “What do you think about DNA testing?” and they said, “It is very practical to solve some crime. It is terrible that DNA testing can specify a person from one hair.” Second is “What do you know about DNA testing?” and they said, “I don’t know too much well. But I know that DNA testing can help them get much information from small things such as hair.” Third is “Do you know some crimes which were solved thanks to DNA testing? If you know some cases, please tell me.” and they said, “I don’t know in detail but there are many crimes which were solved by DNA testing.” Finally I asked that “I learned that the death penalty increase the murder rate. Do you know the reason?” and one guy said, “I don’t want to receive a punishment, so I think that, on the contrary, crimes decrease.” and the others said, “I think that there is a person enjoying thrill in a criminal. Also, someone wants to die but he isn’t brave enough to die by himself, so he tries to use the death penalty. ” I had an opinion of the former but I understand this fact thanks to them. There are many reasons that didn’t occur to me like they said. However, I don’t know the relation between the death penalty and the murder rate exactly. I hope someone will clarify this relation and carry out the best measures as soon as possible.
Posted by CESL at 9:36 AM 0 comments
Violent Girl
I looked at a weblog whose name is 'Bad Girls Go Wild'. I learned women's violent crime is extremly increased. Moreover some crime was more blutal than male's crime. And also I learned age of women who commit violent crime is getting younger. I think these phenomenon is natural. Nowadays the right of woman is enccourage, and women always assert themselves like man, so aspect of violent is opened as well. In addition, nowadays there is a lot of violence in media. I think nobody is sure violent media never influences a girl's behaviour.
I asked three American people. Two of them are undergraduate students at SIU, and one of them is a teacher who is middle-age in CESL. I asked four questions. First, why do you think girls are more violent than they used to be? Both students said, they think nowadays women try to equalise with men. So girls' attitude is changed. And society is getting more open to them. The teacher said their families have problems. So she thinks they who are violent have a mental problem, so people who have a mental problem are increasing in this country. Second, how should they be punished? Both students said they should be punished the same as men are punished, like being sent to prison. But the teacher was different from the students' ideas. She thinks prison is not helpful to them; they need counseling to heal their minds. Third, do you know any violent girl? Both students said that they have known one violent girl. Finally, if you see a fighting between female would with violence, what would you do? One of them would ignore them and the rest of them will call the police or make them stop. AS you see, different generations have different ideas except on the last question. I agree with all of them. Ther are a lot of reasons. I think family is a basic socializer to them. But parents are too busy to manage their child, because of their job. They are opened to violent media without censorship by their parents and also they lack modeling.
Posted by CESL at 9:25 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, November 29, 2005
In the website (http://www.gawker.com/news/paparazzi/index.php) there were 4 sections that talked about paparazzi. One is “paparazzo and Moral Arbiter”. This is a section that records an interview with a paparazzo, Ron Galella. This guy thinks that he is right to shoot any celeb even though we think that their behavior is bad, but his arguments justify himself. Another is “Gossip Round: Mary-Kate Will Kick Your Ass”, which collects five gossip about famous people. The exaggeration seems to be a characteristic of the news. Although people considered whether the news was true, they still made an effort in believing in the rumors. Next one is “Have you No Sense of Decency, Paparazzi?” Here is a statement that paparazzi not only do something for their profit, and some paparazzi declared themselves to be the friendly paparazzi, because they allowed celebrities to retain some control over choosing the pictures that appear. The last section is “‘People’ Stalkerazzi Not as Smart as Your Average Stalkerazzi”. The article seems to emphasize roles of the action through the event that Jeffrey Weiss and Don Sider were arrested. In fact, paparazzi are in the supporting role and the editor is just the leading role in the whole action. And the behavior of the paparazzi should be considered a multiple foul.
In my opinion, the biggest dispute is about the behavior of the paparazzi. Surely, we know they did something that we feel is evil. But we also know this fact that everyone likes to see paparazzo’s achievement, just the celebrities’ pictures. Do we sense evil for our behavior that we like to obverse someone’s privacy? I believe that if everybody stops looking at these magazines which do invasion of someone’s privacy, then “paparazzi” will be a historical word. That’s because they will not be able to get any profit from their evil pictures.
I went to website whose name is “London Paparazzi”. This site is made by Jack Ludlam, who is a paparazzi. First he introduced himself. He said that he has been doing “Celebrity Photography” for a long time. He is also available for conference photography, P.R. events, etc. And I also can see a lot of his pictures.But I don’t know most of the people who show up in his pictures, because I think most of them are British celebrities. And he also introduced BBC’s TV documentary, whose name is “Inside Out”, because this documentary is based on his story. He expressed his opinion about paparazzi using one sentence, “We’re a nation obsessed with stars, fame and celebrity.” And he also told us a few hot tips about the best place to take a picture. In addition, there is Jack Ludlam’s guide to the top celebrity spotting place in London. And he explained about his work. He said, “People want to see celebrities and some celebrities want to be seen. We’re in this together”. However they also asked a question about star’s privacy and they want to know what we think by using e-mail. I think paparazzi have a deep impact between the right-to-know of the public and star’s privacy. If I were a star, I would hate paparazzi, because whenever and whatever I’m doing, somebody would watch me somewhere. How a terrible it would be! Stars are people before celebrities. For this reason, I think paparazzi are not good.
Faking the Paparazzi
I read news which is from BBC in London on a Web-site. It is a story about The Kingly club which lies to paparazzi. The Kingly Club is employing doubles to act as decoys, which it hopes will knock certain photogrophers off the scent of visiting celebrities. One day they invited Tom Cruise, who is Hollywood movie star. They said the idea came after Tom Cruise was provided with a decoy when he visited the venue. It was successful. Thy have as one of then purpose that paparazzi are not against doing their job. So, they are going to have a little joke at the expense of the snapper for their guest because of faking out the paparazzi. It showed that paparazzi is a serious problem in the UK. To be sure, phptpgraphers can take photos of public people. However, they refuse to face the camera, because paparazzi have their photograph taken indiscriminately. Therefore I think that public people should find a method for feaking paparazzi even though they don’t Stop taking photographs.
decoys to fool paparazzi
I examined "PAPARAZZI" and went to the website, "Gawker-New York City website about paparazzi," so I want to tell you about "PAPARAZZI."
The website has 5 articles, "Paparazzo and Moral Arbiter," "Gossip Roundup: Mary-Kate Will Kick Your Ass," "Have You No Sense of Decency, Paparazzi?" "Gossip Roundup: Paparazzi, Car Crash, Yadda," and "People Stalkerazzi Not as Smart as Your Average." The author discussed paparazzi's acts, mind, role, effect or how to take picture of celebrities in the articles. For example, in the case of Ron Galella, one of the paparazzi, he goes to one celeb's house and knocks the door. Then she opens the door and he takes some pictures of the inside of her house. Next he goes to her neighbor's house and shoots from neighbor's garden to take her private pictures like wearing sexy clothes or no clothes. He thinks this act is right even though we think his behavior doesn't have common sense.
I think paparazzi's behavior goes to excess. Certainly I often imagine the noble or gorgeous life of celebrities and we would like to know about their private lives. But famous pepole have privacy like us also. And sometimes the act of paparazzi will be the cause of the celeb's death or will imply things that aren't true, for example, Princess Diana's death. Her car was chased by some paparazzi when the car caused the accident. In this case, we can say the paparazzi's behavior is the biggest reason of this accident. Thus the paparazzi's behavior has caused some tragedy. I hope paparazzi do the action with common sense and such a tragedy or false implication is lost.
Paris Hilton
I went to"Paris Hilton caught up in paparazzi." This report was on 14 October 2005. This article said that Paris Hilton and Bijou Phillips fought paparazzi in Los Angeles. They were leaving the club after partying with Bruce Willis, Lindsay Lohan and Eddie Murphy. After that a brawl happened in the street. Paris's bodygurd attacked a photpgrapher who got too close to him and he yelled "Don't ever touch me." Paris tried to stop the conflict. Paris is usually known to share her schedule with paparazzi. I think this event is bad for both of them because paparazzi usually shoot candid pictures of her. If she always is protected from paparazzi, they can't get close to her. But I think paparazzi have no morals. They should have more morals.
Chiemi Fukunaga
The above posts are a compilation of November posts from this weblog and have been changed slightly. To see the originals, scroll down.
Posted by CESL at 2:47 PM 0 comments
Monday, November 28, 2005
weblog assignment (core)
Read and respond to one of the following:
Time to end recidivism
The Nation, R. Aborn (recidivism=rate of returning to prison after being released). Do you agree with Mr. Aborn?
Capital Punishment- Pro & Con
Students make arguments- choose two. What do you think of them?
Celebrity Crime (click on one): Choose one, try to get the outline of the crime. What do you think of it?
hacker hoaxes claims that major viruses were actually hoaxes (tricks)...do you believe this?
Frontline's report on Hackers...choose one, click on it, and tell what you think!
Secret DNA testing should be banned (in UK)...BBC...what do you think?
110 inmates freed after DNA testing (but their lives are ruined)...try to get the main idea & tell what you think.
DNA testing & the death penalty...what do you think?
deterrence and the death penalty...lots of interesting facts...how do you feel about some of them?
Death by murder: safest and most dangerous places. What do you think?
Bad girls go wild: girl-on-girl violence
Posted by CESL at 8:54 PM 0 comments
LMC List. Ex. #4 & 5
Here it is (#4):
Remember: Go back to Real One, and open it; it will be on your desktop.
Good luck! Listen as many times as you like!
Here is #5:
Remember: Go back to Real One, and open it; it will be on your desktop.
Good luck! Listen as many times as you like!
Posted by CESL at 8:39 PM 0 comments
LMC Listening Assignment #3
This one is about hackers. It is
1) click and it will download on your desktop
2) go back to Real Audio (the tape player) and make sure you are in Real Audio.
3) find it on your desktop and open it.
Listen as many times as you want!
Posted by CESL at 7:27 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, November 16, 2005
LMC Assignment #2
Here's the next one!
start Real One by going to the Mac Hardrive, opening up Applications, and scrolling down to Real One.
Once it's open (it looks like a tape recorder), come back here and open this. It will land on your desktop.
Then go back to Real One, and find this, and click on it...it'll start!
When you're done, I'll give you the script.
Posted by CESL at 9:48 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, November 15, 2005
LMC Listening Assignment (AE2 Core)
Directions: You may have to go to "Applications" to make sure "Real One" or Real Audio is open and available.
Then, open This link and answer the questions that are given to you. You may listen as many times as you want. After you are finished, you will receive the transcript.
If this works, we'll do some more!
Posted by CESL at 2:42 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, November 09, 2005
In the website (http://www.gawker.com/news/paparazzi/index.php) there were 4 sections that talked about paparazzi. One is “paparazzo and Moral Arbiter”. This is a section that records an interview with a paparazzo, Ron Galella. This guy thinks that he is right to shoot any celeb even though we think that their behavior is bad, but his arguments justify himself. Another is “Gossip Round: Mary-Kate Will Kick Your Ass”, which collects five gossip about famous people. The exaggeration seems to be a characteristic of the news. Although people considered whether the news was true, they still made an effort in believing in the rumors. Next one is “Have you No Sense of Decency, Paparazzi?” Here is a statement that paparazzi not only do something for their profit, and some paparazzi declared themselves to be the friendly paparazzi, because they allowed celebrities to retain some control over choosing the pictures that appear. The last section is “‘People’ Stalkerazzi Not as Smart as Your Average Stalkerazzi”. The article seems to emphasize roles of the action through the event that Jeffrey Weiss and Don Sider were arrested. In fact, paparazzi are in the supporting role and the editor is just the leading role in the whole action. And the behavior of the paparazzi should be considered a multiple foul.
In my opinion, the biggest dispute is about the behavior of the paparazzi. Surely, we know they did something that we feel is evil. But we also know this fact that everyone likes to see paparazzo’s achievement, just the celebrities’ pictures. Do we sense evil for our behavior that we like to obverse someone’s privacy? I believe that if everybody stops looking at these magazines which do invasion of someone’s privacy, then “paparazzi” will be a historical word. That’s because they will not be able to get any profit from their evil pictures.
Posted by CESL at 9:41 AM 0 comments
I went to website whose name is “London Paparazzi”. This site is made by Jack Ludlam, who is a paparazzi. First he introduced himself. He said that he has been doing “Celebrity Photography” for a long time. He is also available for conference photography, P.R. events, etc. And I also can see a lot of his pictures.But I don’t know most of the people who show up in his pictures, because I think most of them are British celebrities. And he also introduced BBC’s TV documentary, whose name is “Inside Out”, because this documentary is based on his story. He expressed his opinion about paparazzi using one sentence, “We’re a nation obsessed with stars, fame and celebrity.” And he also told us a few hot tips about the best place to take a picture. In addition, there is Jack Ludlam’s guide to the top celebrity spotting place in London. And he explained about his work. He said, “People want to see celebrities and some celebrities want to be seen. We’re in this together”. However they also asked a question about star’s privacy and they want to know what we think by using e-mail. I think paparazzi have a deep impact between the right-to-know of the public and star’s privacy. If I were a star, I would hate paparazzi, because whenever and whatever I’m doing, somebody would watch me somewhere. How a terrible it would be! Stars are people before celebrities. For this reason, I think paparazzi are not good.
Posted by CESL at 9:29 AM 0 comments
Feaking Paparazzi
I read news which is from BBC in London on a Web-site. It is a story about The Kingly club which lies to paparazzi. The Kingly Club is employing doubles to act as decoys, which it hopes will knock certain photogrophers off the scent of visiting celebrities. One day they invited Tom Cruise, who is Hollywood movie star. They said the idea came after Tom Cruise was provided with a decoy when he visited the venue. It was successful. Thy have as one of then purpose that paparazzi are not against doing their job. So, they are going to have a little joke at the expense of the snapper for their guest because of faking out the paparazzi. It showed that paparazzi is a serious problem in the UK. To be sure, phptpgraphers can take photos of public people. However, they refuse to face the camera, because paparazzi have their photograph taken indiscriminately. Therefore I think that public people should find a method for feaking paparazzi even though they don’t Stop taking photographs.
decoys to fool paparazzi
Posted by CESL at 9:23 AM 0 comments
Paris Hilton
Paris Hilton
Paris Hilton caught up in a fight between Bijou Phillips outside Los Angeles on Wednesday night. The paparazzi took a photo when Paris Hilton rode on her silver Bentley. The bodyguard who saw this happening attacked to the photographer. Paris Hilton did not care about this event.
The Fox network has canceled Hilton's TV show due to their scheduling problems. The TV show began in 2003 and carried on. Rumors are that Paris Hilton and Nichole Richie had developed a strained relationship and could not bear the sight of each other. In addition to this, Fox TV wanted the film separately, but Paris Hilton called off her engagement two weeks ago. Because of this, Fox TV did not see any future about this programme.
Posted by CESL at 9:22 AM 0 comments
I examined "PAPARAZZI" and went to the website, "Gawker-New York City website about paparazzi," so I want to tell you about "PAPARAZZI."
The website has 5 articles, "Paparazzo and Moral Arbiter," "Gossip Roundup: Mary-Kate Will Kick Your Ass," "Have You No Sense of Decency, Paparazzi?" "Gossip Roundup: Paparazzi, Car Crash, Yadda," and "People Stalkerazzi Not as Smart as Your Average." The author discussed paparazzi's acts, mind, role, effect or how to take picture of celebrities in the articles. For example, in the case of Ron Galella, one of the paparazzi, he goes to one celeb's house and knocks the door. Then she opens the door and he takes some pictures of the inside of her house. Next he goes to her neighbor's house and shoots from neighbor's garden to take her private pictures like wearing sexy clothes or no clothes. He thinks this act is right even though we think his behavior doesn't have common sense.
I think paparazzi's behavior goes to excess. Certainly I often imagine the noble or gorgeous life of celebrities and we would like to know about their private lives. But famous pepole have privacy like us also. And sometimes the act of paparazzi will be the cause of the celeb's death or will imply things that aren't true, for example, Princess Diana's death. Her car was chased by some paparazzi when the car caused the accident. In this case, we can say the paparazzi's behavior is the biggest reason of this accident. Thus the paparazzi's behavior has caused some tragedy. I hope paparazzi do the action with common sense and such a tragedy or false implication is lost.
Posted by CESL at 9:21 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, November 08, 2005
Paris Hilton vs. Paparazzi
Chiemi Fukunaga
Posted by CESL at 11:00 PM 0 comments
Reading for weblog by Gilbert
I went to www.kinja.com/topic/politics that web site talks about a political digest.Also it contains thet newestwriting from weblogs picked by editors at kinja.the content changed frquently,like every 5 minutes.In fact this web site doesn't have his own news; it gets news from weblogs.On that web site ;i read one title about why doesn't the adminitration fight back, by john, who is saying "i don't understand it.The democrats are mounting the most scurrillious political complain that has been seen in American politics since the civil war.The administration can easly win the argment over Iraq, but instead it has abondoned the field to the enemy.Why the enjoy being puching bags at the white house."
Posted by CESL at 10:11 AM 0 comments
Reading for weblog by Gilbert
I went to www.kinja.com/topic/politics that web site talks about a political digest.Also it contains thet newestwriting from weblogs picked by editors at kinja.the content changed frquently,like every 5 minutes.In fact this web site doesn't have his own news; it gets news from weblogs.On that web site ;i read one title about why doesn't the adminitration fight back, by john, who is saying "i don't understand it.The democrats are mounting the most scurrillious political complain that has been seen in American politics since the civil war.The administration can easly win the argment over Iraq, but instead it has abondoned the field to the enemy.Why the enjoy being puching bags at the white house."
Posted by CESL at 10:11 AM 0 comments
Thursday, November 03, 2005
Weblog assignment
For thsi assignment all we will do is write a paragraph about what we see and where we go. Go to your page (it could be an article), look around and report on what you found. In your paragraph you will link again to the site...you can see how I did it here.
If you are doing Paparazzi, choose one of these:
London paparazzi
gawker- new york city website about paparazzi
Paris Hilton vs. paparazzi
decoys to fool paparazzi
If you are doing Rumors & Weblogs, try these:
drudge retort- see it for yourself!
kinja, online rumor source (up to the minute)
JD's blog about weblog journalism
political bloggers: the new paparazzi! (article with many many comments...interesting!)
Posted by CESL at 8:29 PM 0 comments
Monday, October 17, 2005
good bye and good luck ae2 055 students!
What is below this post was done by ae2 students in 055- August to October 2005. It will be available in vol. 62 of CESL Today, the CESL program newsletter.
Posted by CESL at 9:17 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, October 11, 2005
Interesting Halloween-By Selina
According to Halloween, which can be called Halloween E'en in Ireland, means the night before the "All Saints", observed on November 1. In an old English the word “Halloween” meant "sanctify". Roman Catholics, Episcopalians and Lutherians used to observe All Halloween Day to honor all Saints in heaven. Participants made sacrifices, offered up prayers for the dead. During Halloween, children dress in special clothes to try to look frightening, for example, as ghosts or witches. People cut the pumpkins to make it look like faces and put a light inside. Children go to door to door and say "trick or treat". Then people will give them some candies.
Some Americans told me that they wore costumes on that day. If people want to give the children candies, they will put the light in front of their door. There are some "haunted houses", which are open on that day. People can walk in them, and some strange things will come out. Our hall will hold a Pumpkin Carving Party. We can enjoy apple cider, cookies, and see a Halloween Movie while carving pumpkins. The person who is good at carving will win a special prize. Our hall will hold a pumpkin chucking contest some days later. We can come throw pumpkins for distance. Ten years ago, if someone wanted to go to downtown by car, his or her car will be broken by stone or set on fire . People broke the windows and fought in the street. So bars are shut down since then.
By Selina
Reference:History of Halloween Retrieved from:Halloween.com
Posted by CESL at 8:35 PM 1 comments
Staying Single
Staying single is one of the alternative life styles in the USA; in recent years the numbers of Americans who like to stay single has been increasing. Discovery Health Online has interviewed Dorian Solot, who is a director of The Alternatives to Marriage Projects, to figure out some information about the unmarried movement among Americans at and she gave the percentages of people who are unmarried, but she said these numbers are not true for staying single because you must like to be together without being married. Also she talked about some reasons for staying single and how this is not big problem for having good children.
For knowing more about the staying single style I asked a 37-year-old American male about his opinion; he is single and he doesn't plan to live with someone together. He thinks to have your freedom even in very tiny things is important; he told me "the best thing in the world is to come down from your bed from which site that you want, to have your dinner when and where! As you like without a lot of questions and stories during the meal time……….To have your freedom, stay single". He thinks there are some disadvantages of staying single and they are not that bad, but he didn't name them for me. When I asked him about his life when he getting very old, if he doesn't have someone to take care of him, he said this not a problem, because he can go to the nursing home, and in this point he thinks to be single is good for him, that he can make a lot of savings so he can go to the best nursing home and get much better care, but if he chooses to be with someone, his partner will get old, so she can't take care of him, and if he has children they will be busy about their life and they may send him to a nursing home anyway. Also I asked a 22-year-old American lady who is single, but she postpones having a husband or boyfriend till she is in her 30s. She believes she can get her freedom if she is with someone that she loves and they understand each other very well, and she think it is not important which alternative life style you are in to be successful in your life.
These are just very personal opinions; I don't think they are telling us why some American people have been chosen the single-hood life style; they may be reasonable or not, but the fact is to be single has become very normal in American society.
Posted by CESL at 1:02 AM 1 comments
Friday, October 07, 2005
Carbondale's halloween festival
"Haroween is just a pleasant festival," I had thought until I studied about it. I knew only that originatlly had an image of driving out the evil which tries to possess someone, but recently it was given new image by some people. I studied about Halloween history in Carbondale by the articleDairy Egyptian: Back to campus August 1996: halloween still haust SIUC, Carbondale, and had conversations with two Americanpeople. In the article, the riots continued from 1989 to 1994 until "fall break was created." "overturned cars, indecent exposure, slam-dancing and crowd-driving are allevents...," I can understand how awful it was when I just read the article.
I asked two American people why that riot happened and they answered with some reasons:"Carbondale is near Chicago; Carbondale's bar fee is less expensive than Chicago's, Atmosphere, stress or some other things. By creating "fall break,: which got studects to haveCarbondale to keep them from rioting, some of the riots have not happened lately. However this has caused a decrease in bar owcer's profits from Halloween. I understood they have so many problems, but I don't know whether it is better to select that "fall break" or not.
Sosuke Uematsu
Posted by CESL at 10:15 AM 1 comments
A stepfamily is a family in which one or both of the adult partners bring children from a previous relationship, in other words when the father or mother of a child remarried. People use the term "Stepfamily" because this term means "working together with the expanded family memebers." Being in a stepfamily could have problems and the biggest problem is the relationship between the stepson and the stepmother or stepfather and especially te discipline. Although ther are some tips taht can help to make a good relationship with the stepchild and be succesful: communication, spend alone time together, be honest and open, all members of the stepfamily need to get to know each other well before a remarrege take place.
According to my survey about how American people think concerning stepfamilies, people in the US are more open minded about being in a stepfamily than International people; Americans think that the main problem is focused in the relationship with the stepmother or stepfather and the stepson, mostly with discipline; Americans people think that to be in a a stepfamily and to be successful the adult and the stepchild need to have a good communication as a friends, and explain to the kid that he or she is not taking he place of his/her mom or dad, and the members of the famil need to have activities where all of them can participate and fell like a real family again. I you are thinking of remariage and you need help there is a group named Stepfamily Association of America (SAA).
Hoi Lin
Posted by CESL at 9:45 AM 1 comments
I was surprised at reading the terrible story of "Halloween in Carbondale" -http://www.dailyegption.com/fall100/10-27-00/hupdate.html. It was 1994 when there was the last celebration on the Strip involving Halloween in Carbondale. The young drunken groups were violent to the society. There were riots! The policeman used tear-gas to arrest them. After 1994 the policemen strongly controlled the young drunken groups in Halloween.
Around 10 years ago, what happened in Carbondale? The young opened a big party and enjoyed their party with alcohol. Even though they know most students should have a good time and be responsible, what made them becomed violent? Some American said, "I don't know!" "They are young, drunken!!" "Stay at home with candies on Halloween."
What made Carbondale young people become violent at Halloween? Some Americans pointed that a number of young people who couldn't get good grades and didn't belong in school live in Carbondale with alcohol. It's inevitable for them to get angry. Maybe they resolve their anger through drinking alcohol like the other cities of young people. Every weekend they enjoy alcohol, making trial problems individually. Alcohol makes them be free, be happy. Futhermore they got mask of the drunken who are violent, uncontrolled, unacceptable to society. They reveal their hidden animal instinct which has been controlled to be good by socialization. They enjoy some bad activity for fun itself together in Halloween. The group with the drunken masks, after hiding their faces behind masks are very dangerous to society. Alcohol brings up a drunken mask in deep heart in Halloween. Drunken people are more likely to cause violence as a group. They are rebellious, defiant against society. So we try to find out the way for young people to solve their problem. We have to be more interested in young people.
Posted by CESL at 9:44 AM 3 comments
Thursday, October 06, 2005
Carbondale Halloween
I read some websites about Halloween violence and Carbondale Halloween. According to websites, there are a lot of violent things that happened. For instance, people broke some windows, trees, and cars. Moreover, some people fought with the police. The people also throw beer at the people downtown. I think that happened because the police always were not serious at Halloween.
I talked with American students about the violence in Halloween. They told me that all the violence came from people who live out of town, for example, Saint Louis, Marion, Edwardsville, Champaign, even Chicago. In their opinion, the people did the violent behavior because they drank too much. However, I think the main reason is the history of Carbondale Halloween and the crowd.
By Mohammed Ali
Posted by CESL at 10:38 PM 1 comments
Staying Single
I asked 2 Americans, Kim and Melissa. They had similar opinions. Kim said permanently single people don't know anyone who they would like to have a romantic relationship with and they can be content by themselves, but they are lonely. Melissa said permanently single people don't want to have trouble and they can live more easily, but they are lonely. Both of them think staying single is lonely, and my classmates had the same reason too. In America half of people want to be unmarried, but Kim and Melissa seem to want marriage. I think 2 Americans and my classmates had similar answers and I think so too. My class is international, so opinion of staying single is common worldwide, I thought. I was interested in these reasons.
Chiemi Fukunaga
Posted by CESL at 7:12 PM 0 comments
Halloween itself
People usually cut a pumpkin, called "Jack-O-Lanterns", and make a face at Halloween. Children go door to door and say "trick or treat" which means that they will do something bad for people if people don`t give children candies. They also play the game, "bobbing for apples". Why did Halloween start? People thought dead people came back to get a new body so that they could continue to live at Halloween. So, they offered foods to keep ghosts away from them. It`s interesting that children disguise and go door to door because there is no holiday like Halloween in Japan.
I asked three Americans about violence in Holloween. They said people broke windows and turned cars over three years ago. They think alcohol leads to violence since drinkers feel that they can do anything. One guy said that people wear masks and costumes, so nobody knows who they are. It easily brings violence. Another said Halloween is more negative than other holidays because symbols of Halloween are witches, skeltons and so on. So, people become more violent at Halloween. But these years, police are around the Strip, so violence has decreased, said another guy. I think wearing masks helps people do bad things and the fact that Halloween is based on scary things is also an important factor.
By Wakako
Posted by CESL at 7:04 PM 0 comments
Staying single
I asked two Americans these four questions.1.Do you know anyone who plans to stay single forever? 2.Why do they prefer that option? 3.What do you think are the biggest benefits of staying single? 4.What is the hardest part of staying single? Neither of them know anyone who plans to stay single forever. John said people stay single because they don't want to dedicate themselves to one person. The biggest benefit is they have more freedom for themselves and the hardest part is being lonely. Brandon said people stay single because they can save money. The biggest benefit is they can't get a broken heart. And the hardest part is they have to cook. Their answers were similar to that of classmates. I think most young American people want to get married, because they were puzzled to find answers for these questions. Both of them said questions were very difficlt to answer. I think they haven't thought about staying single.
Saori Tabuchi
Posted by CESL at 5:22 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, October 05, 2005
Halloween Itself
I learned some things about Halloween, so I want to tell you about them. Halloween is celebrated here in the U.S.A with a variety of activities on October 30. It is traditionally observed by children who dress up in costumes and go door to door saying "Trick or Treat" so that the residents will give them candy. The original idea is this:Ancient Celtics believed that the evil spirit and the witch appeared on October 30, the day before of All Saints' Day (Hallowmas). The Celtics made Halloween to repulse the evil spirit and the witch. And the culture has spread to the West. The custom of Halloween was brought to the U.S.A in the 1840Ã…fs by Irish immigrants. The purpose of wearing the costume which is symbol of scary things, is to drive away the evil spirits, who see the appearance and are surprised.
I interviewed some Americans and learned many things from it. First, Americans usually buy a few bags or candy treats such as small chocolate bars etc. and pass these out on the designated "trick or treat" night in their town. Unfortunately, the woman I talked to also eats quite a few of these herself. Second, many college students will decorate their dorm rooms like a Haunted Houses with pumpkins, lights and many symbols of scary things. Traditionally chidlren of high school age and below go to those places to be scared or be brave, depending on your perspective. Many houses and dorms will have costume parties also. Finally, about two years ago, there was violence in Carbondale Halloween. Students got into trouble over the Halloween weekend on the "strip" or on north 51 that goes by KAYA and the other bars and restaurants. There were incidents of fights and an attempt to block the street for outdoor party, for example, overturned cars and broken windows etc. These incidents were made by heavy drinking crowds.
Posted by CESL at 10:35 AM 0 comments
Sunday, October 02, 2005
100 People Sharing Our Lives •
"Twin Oaks is an intentional community in rural central Virginia, made up of around 85 adult members and 15 children. Since the community's beginning in 1967, our way of life has reflected our values of cooperation, sharing, nonviolence, equality, and ecology.
We do not have a group religion; our beliefs are diverse. We do not have a central leader; we govern ourselves by a form of democracy with responsibility shared among various managers, planners, and committees. We are self-supporting economically, and partly self-sufficient. We are income-sharing. Each member works 42 hours a week in the community's business and domestic areas. Each member receives housing, food, healthcare, and personal spending money from the community." (using "www.twinoaks.org")
Why do they prefer to choose such closed life style? Such different lifestyle has reflected what questions are in our life. There are two features in current society- busy and isolated, even though our life is more convenient and that communication is more improvable. For this reason, some people want to search or establish a new society which is ordinary and relative, Twin Oaks Intention Community just as well. However, if you want to get such a quality life that you need to lost something. For example, you won’t own more individual money and private housing if you want to live here. So the system doesn’t fit for anybody. Most my classmates have no intention to live in communes even though this life will improve their spiritual life. Especially, Privacy seems to be the strongest why they refuse. Thus it can be seen, privacy is the most important requirement to housing so a good commune should put in time and effort to privacy. When you are pleasure with giving up your privacy and sharing lots of something, and you can try to live in Twin Oaks Intentional Community. Maybe it will be your Utopia.
In my interview for living in communes, the one said, “The biggest disadvantage is separation of the world.” “The biggest advantage is closed with people.” another said, “The biggest disadvantage is too much strict.” “The biggest advantage is nothing because it is evil.” There is a common opinion between them- People who live in this community are controlled, no real freedom. Really, many regulations put on these residents so that they could own cooperation, sharing, nonviolence, equality, and ecology. It’s very interesting that the community is giving us a picture filled with peace, love, health but you also lost freedom. Can we command the best life losing freedom? At least, I’m seeing “100 people” who think so. In my opinion, it seems to practice Marxism, and these people can fit and enjoy this life. Eventually, I think that there is no system can make the best life for everyone but different systems fit different people. As some people like to live at Carbondale, others don’t. So It’s the most important to seek this lifestyle fitting you.
Posted by CESL at 8:37 PM 0 comments
Thursday, September 22, 2005
weblog assignment (core)
Each assignment is roughly the same: Become familiar with some aspect of the topic, go ask TWO Americans (hopefully with different opinions) about it, and write on the weblog about what you know, what happened, and what you think. All of the links will be on the AE2 Weblog.
Staying Single:
Look at the website of Unmarried America and tell us what you think.
Or this weblog with information about cohabitation (Cohabitation Nation):
In addition to the four questions on the handout, try to find out what people think of people who choose to remain single. Has the pressure to get married decreased everywhere? Do most people still want to get married? Is this any different in the US and in other countries that you know of?
Look at the website of Stepfamily Association of America and tell us what you think.
See if you can find Americans who are in stepfamilies. Are stepfamilies different in the US and in other countries? More common or less common?
Here are two very interesting communes:
The Farm
Twin Oaks
Choose one. Become familiar with what it is and what's special about living there. Copy the webpage or the most interesting part of it if you want. In addition to the questions on the sheet, try to find out what people think of communes in general. Is this any different from your country?
Carbondale Halloween
About Halloween itself
In addition to the questions on the sheet, try to find out these: Why is Halloween more likely to see violence than other holidays?
History and Customs of Halloween
Halloween History
History of Carbondale Halloween
Split up the following articles. Share what you've learned with your group.
You do not have to be an expert; just learn what you can.
Carbondale's Riots Return from the Dead
Halloween problems not unique to UW
(about rioting at UW Wisconsin, but gives history of Carbondale too)
Halloween still haunts SIUC
Violence in groups
Concentrate on the reasons. Here are some possibilities:
-Alcohol causes violence, or at least makes it more likely. There were too many people drinking too much alcohol.
-The people who did it were from out of town- taking advantage of a situation. Some were probably former students
-Carbondale has a number of students who couldn't get good grades and didn't belong in school; anger is inevitable
-Groups make people more likely to cause violence. LeBon's theory: The mask of civilization is removed.
Here are some other cases of Halloween violence. See if you can learn from them:
Univ. California Santa Barbara
Cal. State Chico
Univ. of Wisconsin
Univ. of Hartford
Posted by CESL at 1:30 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, September 13, 2005
My favorite musician
Hafiz Abd-elrahman, the Flute player, is one of the best Sudanese musicians. He plays instrumental contemporary music, which is not common in Sudan, so that makes his works special. Before the 90s he had been shown in Sudanese Public T.V., but what made him famous was his first ceremony at the university of Khartoum, the top university in Sudan, with one of his best songs, "EVER LASTING DAYS". For me, when I listen to his music I get some relaxation and a lot of memories from my country.
Posted by CESL at 10:08 PM 0 comments
Friday, September 02, 2005
'Sumi Jo'
My favorite musician is 'Sumi Jo' who has emerged as one of the most beautiful voices in contemporary music. As a coloratura soprano, She is true diva of the highest order. She is a vocalist with Korean upbringing. She stands for Korean culture worldwide.
Posted by CESL at 11:45 AM 0 comments
Musician: Langlang
Langlang is a famous musician who comes from china. Although he is only 22, he is good at playing the piano. He obtained the international youth music prize when he was 15. From 1999 to now, he is performing with the global majority of first-class symphonies, which has raised him in the international musical world. He believes that music is telling stories in fact.
By Selina
Posted by CESL at 10:01 AM 0 comments
My Favorite Band
My favorite band is Heavenly Melody. First, it is composed of 4 men and 4 women. And each person sings the different pitches: soprano, alto, tenor, bass. They don’t need instruments to polish their sound. My idea is that the most wonderful instrument is the human body. Next, the music is gospel songs. I like its melody and words. Especially, I love words of gospel songs. That is because these words always give me hope and faith and love, and I can face anything. Finally, these singers have good behavior and mature thinking. Today, most singers have good singing voice, but they have no good behavior and mature thinking. Can you worry if your children are listening to songs of licentious singers? I surely worry my kids do. In sum, Heavenly Melody is the best band in Taiwan, and it is my favorite band forever, I think so.
I like
Posted by CESL at 9:44 AM 0 comments
My Favorite Band
My favorite band is YUZU. They are very nice guys, so I want to tell you about "YUZU". YUZU consists of two Japanese guys. They are very popular in Japan. One is Yujin Kitagawa, whose part is vocal(low), acoustic guitar, harmonica and tambourine, and the other is Koji Iwasawa, whose part is vocal(high), acoustic guitar, harmonica and harp. They can play guitar with beautiful harmonic song, and also the lyrics of their songs are great! Their songs always encourage me and make us happy, so I like them and play their song on the guitar if I have free time. I think everyone likes their songs. Their song was even chosen as the theme song of the Olympics. In the end, I recommend that you listen to YUZU's song even though you can't understand Japanese. YUZU will surely make you happy!!
This is YUZU's homepage.
Posted by CESL at 9:42 AM 0 comments
My Favorie Band
My favorite band is Mr.Children. You may feel this name is funny. We call it Misuchiru in short. It's a Japanese band which consists of four men. Ther're very famous and popular musicians in Japan. I have never heard any people who don't like them. I think Mr.Children is one of the bands who represent Japanese musicians. They play Japanese pops. When I was a little child, they were already well-known. Now, they still attract more people. People are attracted by his cool and beautiful voice and identify theirselves with the words. I also like their natural, artless and cool mode.
Posted by CESL at 9:39 AM 0 comments
My Favorite Musician
My favorite musician is Aiko. She is a Japanese musician and writes lyrics by herself. She sings with playing the piano. I like her lyrics because the lyrics that she writes express fine emotions very well, so I can be in sympathy with them. Besides I especially like her voice. Her voice makes me feel relaxed.
The singles and albums that she has released have sold well, so she is known well in Japan. I sing her songs every time when I go to Karaoke. Wakako
Posted by CESL at 9:39 AM 0 comments
The Favourite musician
My name is Omar. I am from Saudi Arabia. I'd like talk about a favorite musician. My favourite musician is Fairuz. She is from Lebanon. In my opinion, she is the best songstress in the Arabic Countries. She sings three kinds of song that I like to listen to. The first kind is mountian songs this kind of music is very famous in her country . The second kind is publicity songs. Last kind is nationalism. In conclusion, She has the best voice I have ever heard.
By Omar
Posted by CESL at 9:36 AM 0 comments
My favorite musician
My favorite musician is Alejandro Fernandez. He's one of or great Mexican musicians. His type of songs are "rancheras"; he sings with a mariachi band. Lately he's singing pop and his new cd "A corazon abierto" is my favorite, because all the songs have a very romantic message and my favorite song is "Que voy hacer con mi amor?". I have not been o a concert of his but I would love to; I'm just waiting for the next concert when I come back home. Besides being a great singer , he's very hadsome and sexy.
Hoi Lin
Posted by CESL at 9:35 AM 0 comments
My Favorite Singer
My faorite singer is SMAP. SMAP is group name. They are 5. Thier names are Masahiro Nakai, Takuya Kimura, Goro Inagaki, Tsuyoshi Kusanagi and Shingo Katori. They are very cool. they released many songs. Their most famous song is "Only one flower in the world." The Japanese name is "Sekai ni hitotu dake no hana." It is a very good song, so the CD's sales are more than 2 million CDs in Japan. I like this song, but I like another song better. It is "Orange." It is a very good song. They are actors too. Their drama is very popular in Japan. Their popularity has expanded to East Asia.
Posted by CESL at 9:34 AM 0 comments
My favorite musitian
My favorite musitian is Billy Joel. He is active as a solo singer now,
but he formed a band whose name was Echoes in 1964. Afterwards he worked with
The Hastles, which is a Long Island band; besides, he moved on to a rock duo named Attila and then he began recording his first solo album.
I like Billy joel so much because of his songs that have a special attraction to draw all people's attention. I guess it is a gentle, powerfuly, and sometimes pensive voice. For example, one of his famous songs,"Tell her about it" explesses about love strongly. I always listento Billy Joels songs.
Sosuke Uematsu
Posted by CESL at 9:33 AM 0 comments
My favorite singer`
I would like to talk about my favorite singer. His name is Emrah and he is from Turkey. In adition, he was born in Istanbul. Moreover, he became a singer when he was a child. For instance, his first album come out when he was 13 years old. However, in the begining, Emrah was talking about how life is terrible in his songs. After a couple of years, he changed his style. In fact, he started to sing love songs. Finally, I like to listen to him a lot because his sound is different than other singers and he makes me feel relaxed.
by Mohammed Ali
Posted by CESL at 9:31 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, August 24, 2005
Congratulations 054 graduates!
What appears below this post belonged to the class of 054 (July and August 2005). 054 student weblogs can be found on the template at the side.
Posted by CESL at 11:36 AM 0 comments
Monday, August 01, 2005
#1 http:// www.travelchinauide.com
#2 http:// www.chinasite.com
I like website #1 better than website #2 because the page of the website is bright color. Therefore, the viewer can read easier and feel enjoyable. the color in the website is a mix of blue, white, and yellow. So I feel relaxed and comfortable. Also, blue is my favorite color. However, the website has a lot of pictures about people or famous places in China. Moreover, you can find any information about China.
The color in page of website is very important. So I don't think we can read the website without color. The color in the website is like salt in the food. However, I almost agree with the article, but I disagree with Black and dark blue. In my opinion Black makes me gloomy and feel tired, but I don't think it means power. Also, I don't think dark blue means government or is not good for the young and lively. In my opinion dark blue is nice and beautiful future.
Posted by CESL at 9:18 PM 0 comments
Montreal's website
I like the first website because I suppose that brown has an adult, stable, and calm image. And, the color isn't dark, but also light so it's easier to read sentences. As you know, Montreal is a French-speaking city, so we can enjoy French culture. In there, there are many theatres, art museums, the center of architecture, casinos, jazz bars, and clubs.
I think this color design is cultivated, newly high quality, enjoyable, devoloped city image.
I like the first website because the color of the background on the website is the grayed greened brown, which present brown is earthy, outdoors and warm, but considered dirty and dull, and gray is modern, intelligent, solid, clean, but also boring, dull, sad, and old, and green is nature, environment, youth, spring but also envy, could be trouble for color-blind. I suppose that the principals combined with the urban city's good and bad point. Some part of town has cleaness and brightness, but the other has darkness and dirtiness. And, as you know, Montreal is a French Speaking city, so we can enjoy French culture, fully. In there, there are many theatres, art museums,t he center of the architecture, casinos, jazz bars, clubs. It may match with the image of the city, fashionable, an adult, stable, calm image, and designs cultivated, newly high quality,enjoyable, development, European city. Moreover, the CONTRAST of the color is good because the character's color is black and the background's color is the grayed greened brown. So, it can be said that it has a strong contrast. Also, TEXT isn't written in all bold, all italics,or all capitals. It represents the SIMPLICITY and CLEANLINESS. Besides, it has a strong ALIGNMENT which is the left. And, links are on the left, too. Actually, it makes a peaceful.Totally, these techniques makes that to be intelligible and comfortable to watch. It's significiant for us to choose a few or some one in many websites.
Midori Ogasawara
Posted by CESL at 8:17 PM 0 comments
Friday, July 29, 2005
#1 http://www.hawaii.com
#2 http://www.travel-hawaii.com
I like #1 because it is bright color and a little bit movement in the beginning. Moreover, It has elegant scenes that also change continually. That page has a blue color that makes me want to go to the beach. I really feel good and relaxed.
I think that color is necessary for the web page. It can make a different feeling. In addition, I agree that blue makes me feel calm, peaceful and fresh. Not only is color necessary but also contrast is especially between type and background. Moreover, sometimes movement can be attracting people that open the web page. I feel interested in movement but it should not have too much.
Posted by CESL at 4:30 PM 0 comments
Thursday, July 28, 2005
Italy - Soojin
1. selectitaly.com
2. italytour.com
I think that the first website is better than the second website. I wanted to find about famous constructions and exhibitions which are held in Italy. The first site has many attractive factors. The site expresses the image of Italy very well. Usually, brown and gold are used to express an ancient image. However, in the site, orange in the top is better than the brown. Especially, a portrait in the middle is very an important factor for antique style. Also, the contrast of between orange and green is very fascinating. Therefore, it seems to be a vivid orange. Gray which is background color matches with any color. Above all it seems to be look so good with orange. In addition, an alignment in the site is balance and clear. The refinement arranging is a help to credit of the site. The site is very classy for me.
On the other hand, as we see the second site, it seems that light brown and yellow on this website express image of Italy's culture. The pink on the bottom is point color. However, these colors are not in harmony with each other. Also, moving object on the top and the left is an unnatural element. In addition, dark blue on the left is too heavy. Therefore, the contrast between dark blue and yellow is not comfortable. Although the site have many useful information of Italy travel, I won't find some information anymore.
After I read the "Web design principles"
In my opinion, color is most important one of website design factors. Because people tend to recognize color first. In Web design principles, I disagree that pink is for girls. It is very pity for situation. Of course, I agree that pink is used for girls. However pink is not only for girls but also for men today. These days, in the street, we can see men who are wearing pink and flower print shirts. Therefore, pink is not for women anymore. Only pink for girls is old idea. I agree with the Web design principles, but some colors have antipodal meaning. I think that feeling of the colors is changed by the conbination of other colors. For example, gray has two meanings which are modern and old. Gray is easily changed by other colors. On the other hand, movement is a very attractive factor. These days, many websites have various movement images. Many programs such as Flash or M.M. Director support movements on websites. However, the idea that movement on websites is always good is not true. Movements that are realistic and suitable on the website are very attractive and good. However, movements that are unnatural or unreasonable make people angry. I dislike overactive movements on websites. I want to see movements that have good timing and a polished moving image.
. Soojin .
Posted by CESL at 7:46 PM 0 comments
Las Vegas -Fion
#1 http://www.vegas.com/index.html
#2 http://www.usatourist.com/english/places/lasvegas/index.html
I like #2 because their weblog's organization is very well-arranged and detailed. I can find all information about Las Vegas easily. Another interesting thing is their picture that looks so beautiful and exciting for me. Therefore, I feel not only can I enjoy the gambling and nightlife but also I can relax.
I think color is not necessary for me to open a website because if I really want to but that stuff, I won't care about what the color is. I likt to see a website that is so clean and uncrowded because I need to pay attention to see it. So, if the website that has uncrowded and less movement, I will enjoy reading and feel relax.
Posted by CESL at 7:30 PM 0 comments
PRAHA travel sites -eric
I have two sites about Praha travel.


About Alignment
Is alignment good and peaceful? Yes! Alignment is the most important in layout when designer design anything. Look at first picture, it is uncomfortable to see because it does not alignment. When we read some text, a direction is right to left. So, if left area does not alignment in the paragraph, we will feel uncomfortable. Look at this picture! This paragraph is comfortable to see it. Also two lines add in the paragraph, we can read more comfortable text.
About Contrast

Posted by CESL at 7:19 PM 0 comments
#1 http://www.germany-tourism.de/
#2 http://www.destinationgermany.com/
I like #2's website because it is simpler than #1's.
This website is colored with green. Besides, there
are some Germany pictures. It also makes me want
to go Germany more.
I like green very much because it is said nature, environment, youth, spring.
Besides I have heard that green color is makes our eyes good, and green has clean image too, so I like it.
However, I feel extremery sad thing that green is also said as envy.
I don't believe it.
Sosuke Uematsu
Posted by CESL at 7:09 PM 0 comments
Switzerland - J.D -
I like #1. Because it looks well-ordered when i saw this site. This site has three main clolrs that are red,white and blue. Blue is my favorite color and it brings to mind swiss moutains and sky. This site has so much red color but it harmonies with white very much that remind me of switzerland. In addition, some pictures placed top of the screen looks like a panorama
I almost agree with these principles. I felt uncomfortable when I saw the Switzerland tour site because there are so much red color. So i didn't like this site. But it reminded switzerland with red and white when i saw again. In addition, this site is well-ordered that makes me comfortable and to stay more at there. On the other hand, the other site was so crowded. That was the most important reason why i didn't select the second site.
Posted by CESL at 6:44 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, July 26, 2005
web marketing - travel sites
For this project, we are looking at how web designers use color and design to get you to feel good on their page. We are especially interested in travel sites for these places that people are interested in. I've decided to put the links up just so we can all see some sites. Why not?
1. hawaii.com
2. Travel-Hawaii
Las Vegas
1. Uni-France, Film Festival
2. Agenda Buitengaats, in Dutch
3. Made in Montreal
4. Montreal City Tourist
5. Montreal Experience
Prague- Czech Republic
Berlin- Germany
1. select italy
I think I'm missing a few!! I will add them soon.
1) pick your sites
2) choose your favorite
3) try to think of WHY you liked that one...
BEFORE you look into color and design!
here's a site that tells a little about color...it's called Jessett. Take a look at it if you want. I will also give you a site about other principles soon....
-Tom L.
Posted by CESL at 8:41 PM 0 comments
Friday, July 15, 2005
Margaret Cho's weblog (J.D)
I looked at Margaret Cho's weblog
When I saw Margaret Cho's weblog, there are many things in her blog. For example, many diaries, photos, A/V, the story of her tour, etc. And she also has some fan letters and her answers. When i click on the 'Movie', I can see some of her movie's info. A part of her blog, whose name is 'shop', sells some goods, for example, books, DVDs, T-shirts and posters.
When I saw Margaret Cho's weblog, I was confused about the picture, which is of a woman grabbing a mic and taking a pose that looks like a guitarist. The reason I was confused is that I heard Margaret Cho is a comedian. But posters in her blog look like a singer's concert poster. I think the best thing in her blog is her diary. And also fan letters and her answers are very interesting. But atmosphere of her blog looks like a shopping mall. There are many advertisements about her DVDs, movies, books, and
Posted by CESL at 4:00 PM 0 comments
In Melanie Griffith's weblog
I looked at Melanie Griffith.
We can see a big picture, in which she wears a wedding dress; there're a garden with some wooden gates and two steps and a big road and some tall trees with flowers. We can get general information if we send e-mail to info@ownit.net,and we can contact the website manager if we have question if we send an e-mail to them at info@melanie griffith.com. And,we can connect to the shopping website, "one world" to buy some kind of daily goods and presents and to read how to save money, how to earn money in a year and read expert opinions. And, we can find the banner advertising "Early Breast Cancer.org (The Susan G. Gomen Breast Cancer Foundation." I think that it expresses and emphasises her elegance, her beauty, attractiveness, her positive image, and her secret life. Actually, it looks good, but I don't like it, because we can't get her general information easily.
Midori Ogasawara
Posted by CESL at 1:38 PM 0 comments
Jeff Bridges's weblogs
I saw the Jeff Bridges's weblog. It is written by free-hand style,
the main menu countains Latest, Music, End Hunger network, Filmography,
Interviews, Stuff, Guest book, Message Board, Appearance and links.
There are many pictures in that.
I think his weblog is a unique page, because it uses running hand, and
there are so many pictures in the blog. There are very simple paintings,
but I feel that these make me get some inspiration. I hadn't ever seen
such a wonderful weblog. I like his homepage, and I studied his works; he
takes lots of tasks, such as Actor, Musician, and Painter.
Sosuke Uematsu
Posted by CESL at 1:35 PM 0 comments
Rosie O'Donnell's Weblog
In Rosie O'Donnell's celebrity weblog there are many things to see. First, you can read about background of Rosie O'Donnell. Second, there are a lot of recent news items about Rosie O'Donnell. Also, there are some old and new pictures of Rosie.
The weblog has many things that are good. At first, we can learn a lot of information about Rosie O'Donnell. There is part of the news in her weblog. For example, Rosie has two children. In addition, she loves children. Next, there is some information about her movies. I like Rosie's weblog. However, I think it is missing some pictures. They should make a lot of pictures of Rosie.
Posted by CESL at 1:35 PM 0 comments
Anna Kournikova's weblog -- yuii--
After I opened the page Anna celebrity's weblog, there are eight categories which consist of photos, news, journal, multimedia, community, facts, links and store. In the photos category, there are pictures from her tournaments on the court and off the court. In the news category, Anna made the cover of Maxim magazine. In the journal category, she has written her personal events about her from 2001 to 2004. In the multimedia category, she did some commercials. And in this category she has audio files and screenservers. In the community category, Anna's fan made some forum about her such as annouments and photo exchange. In the facts category, there are Biography, profile and her favourites. In the links category, there are official sponsers of hers which are Adidas, Yonex and Omega. In the store category, there are calendar, poster, CD, and video.
The part that i like is photos, because there are many pictures about her. Especially in her youth, she was so cute. Unfortunately, I have to be a member to see all of the pictures. Moreover, I also like the journal, because in the journal she has a profile about her from 2001 to 2004. There are more things that I like; the page is colorful. On the other hand, I do not like the store category, because it is selling some goods in the weblog.
Posted by CESL at 1:35 PM 0 comments
Mariah Carey's Weblog
When I opened Mariah Carey's weblog, I saw a sexy picture and listened to nice music. Looking at the list in her weblog, I can find all about her information that I wanted. For example, if I am her fan, I can write a message to her, ask her a question, talk with her in the chat room, get her exclusive photo, etc.. But if I am not her fan, I still can know about her news, see and enjoy her photo, listen to her music or buy her CD, and I also can listen to her answer about the fans' question. And the last important thing is I can be her fan there.
I like this weblog's structure becasue it's very clear to understand what she wants to tell you, and I also can know what it is. Next is that I can talk with her, and she will answer the question by herself; it's very exciting to me to be her fan. The third reason is the language; we can choose our language to see the weblog. It lets me feel comfortable, because I can more easily understand her information and news. I think her weblog is exciting because I liked her before, but I'm not her fan; I just liked her songs. So, that's why I don't have the reason to not like it, because I think I can search for all of her information in her weblog, and that's good for me .
Posted by CESL at 1:35 PM 0 comments
Jamie Oliver's Weblog _ Soojin
I looked at Jamie Oliver's Weblog
What is on it?
We can know how he is getting along and about his program in his diary.
He writes from the road, posts recipes and gives readers a way to share theirs.
In addition, he writes his story how he has grown as a chef, his favorite places, people and stuff.
Also, he auctions off his stuff and has competitions with simple questions about his program.
In his shopping section, people can browse around and find all the cool stuff for sale and then buy it.
What do I think?
His weblog is very charming. It has no superfluity and no exaggeration.
I have known him for two years. I often watch his program, The Naked Chef, in Korea.
I could feel that he really enjoys cooking and loves to work.
I was impressed with his constant passion for the job and his unchangeable love for his family.
He is my age, so he is a great encouragement to me.
I hope that he works for his passion until he becomes a great-grandfather.
Posted by CESL at 1:34 PM 0 comments
About Britney Spears's weblog (eric)
I looked at Britney Spears's weblog
Britney Spears wrote about her life in her weblog. For example, her husband's father had a birthday party, and she and her husband went to Arizona, and to her new house in L.A. Once, she wrote about false tabloids because they gave her hurt. She wrote about her feelings for her fans every day.
I thought that celebrities have a special life. But, after I saw Britney Spears's weblog, my thinking changed. She is a very famous singer in the world. But, her life is almost like our life. For example, she ate some food with her family or her friends. Also, she went to a movie theater with her mother. But, she doesn't have privacy, because many people want to know about her. But, i envy her, because she is very famouse and she has a lot of money; also, she has a lover.
Posted by CESL at 1:34 PM 0 comments
Thursday, July 14, 2005
Internet in My home Country
In the past 20 years, people discover many things especailly mass media,but the most important form of mass media is the internet. In Saudi Arabia the internet is important for making connections between people, helping businesses to grow, getting a lot of informaction and education.
First, IT helps people to connect with each other around the world. So the people can talk with anyone in the world. in fact we can make new friends. In Saudi Arabia we use connect by the internet usually because if we talk by celf- phone is expensive. For example, I talk with my family often by the internet. The people in Saudi Arabia talk with them family and friends by the internet.
Second, in Saudi Arabia use bussines so, we can buy anything from anywher very fast and easy. For instance, cars,materiel or anything you want to have. So we can buy anything from diferent countries. Also, we can sell. Sometimes in the internet we can find many things cheap. In addition, the businessmen started to open a lot of places to use internet, like internet cafe's.
Third, the people can gettting a lot of informaction that they know,like the world news or any kind of informaction that people want to know about.The internet has a lot of positive things and helps people around the entire world.Also,the internet makes life easier these day than the past.For example,if we want travel by a car,we can get a map from the internet.Another thing is news we can get a lot of recent news by using the internet.For instance,BBC.com
Finally,the internet helps my country to be modern country.So the goverment helps the workforces and students to know more about the internet.For example,they teach some of workforcesand students to take courses about internet.Also,the goverment use the education part to let the students know more about internet.
In conclusion,the internet in Saudi Arabia is too necessary.Also,it makes life easier for the people.The internet has a lot influnces making connections between people,helping businesses to grow,getting a lot of information and education.
Posted by CESL at 7:22 AM 0 comments
Friday, July 08, 2005
celebrity weblogs
Here are some celebrity weblogs to look at.
The bottom ones are from the article.
Melanie Griffith
Gene Simmons
Margaret Cho
Mariah Carey
Gwen Stefani (NoDoubt)
Barbara Streisand
Anna Kournikova
Michael Moore
Jeff Bridges
Rosie O'Donnell
Britney Spears
Wil Wheaton
Jamie Oliver
Al Roker
William Shatner
Posted by CESL at 11:16 AM 0 comments
Thursday, July 07, 2005
celebrity weblog assignment (core)
And now, a few words about ME...an article in the Orlando Sentinel, tells about how celebrities are making their own webpages and weblogs. The best example is Jeff Bridges, whose webpage is airy, arty, pretty.
Read these in order to do the assignment...
My question is, how did they miss ME? I'm a celebrity. I have at least TWO weblogs!
-Tom Leverett
Posted by CESL at 2:17 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, July 06, 2005
Welcome to CESL 054!
-AE2 students- post here!-
Don't be shy...
Sunset Concerts come back to Shryock Auditorium (near Faner)
Thurs. July 14 at 7 PM...see you there!
Posted by CESL at 9:00 AM 0 comments
053 starts here
From here down is AE2 053- covering the months of May and June, 2005. This work will appear in CESL Today volume 60, on the web. Congratulations and good luck in the future!
Posted by CESL at 8:48 AM 0 comments
Thursday, June 09, 2005
Mass, Justice Defends Gay Marriage Ruling
In “Mass, Justice Defends Gay Marriage Ruling,” by The Associated Press from the Washington Post, Margaret Marshall, a chief justice, believes in same-sex marriage in Massachusetts. Also, she is many active for same-sex marriage that she try to possible same-sex marriage. Sometimes, Conservative politicians, including President Bush, blamed her. However, she spoke at Brandeis University graduation, urged people to pick a side. She told them that stereotype is so bad habit and you must have your opinion.
Posted by CESL at 7:39 PM 0 comments
Calif. Weighs Lesbians' Parental Rights
The thesis of "Calif. Weighs Lesbian's Parental Rights," by Lisa Leff from The Washington Post, is that recently the California attorney general argued that children who have same-sex parents should be given the same protection and treatment under the law as traditional families. The court, heard the case of women asking to take care of a child. Also, support given from their former partners. According to the article, many justices have different ideas about parental rights. However, in California, the state attorney general's office supported the lesbians' parental rights. They have rights to be treated equally whether children are born through reproductive technology to same-sex parents or by adoption. In conclusion, attorneys considered that children of separated parents who are same-sex couples should be treated same as children of divorced of common parents.
Posted by CESL at 4:15 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, June 08, 2005
The thesis of “Bill to legalize Gay Marriage dies,” written by Lisa Leff, from the Chicago Tribune, is about legalizing gay marriage. They tried to succeed in legitimizing marriages but whenever they took a vote, they always failed. The bill can not amended the state family code to get marriage between :two men”. In addition, Leff wrote about the difficulty in making a gay marriage law. As a result, Leff wrote about the difficult situation for gay couple. For example, they tried to win about vote but they failed and also they expect next vote. Therefore it is very difficult and complex problem to make a law but they will try again to get the initiative on the June 2006 ballot.
Posted by CESL at 9:08 AM 0 comments
”Spousal Benefits for Gays at U.N. Challenged”
Yeo Sim
The thesis of “Spousal Benefits for Gays at U.N. Challenged,” by Colum Lynch, from Washington Post, is that the United Nation members are making an effort to give an advantage to gay couples. However some groups offer opposition to spousal benefits for gays. Iran’s representative in opposition to right to same-sex couples. A Vatican representative firmly opposes. Same-sex marriages conflict with Vatican’s concept. However, the Bush administration responded what they considered lawfulness the practice of allowing gay marriage in some states. U.N. and a few nations exert all possible efforts to spread spousal benefits for gays. However still some countries make strong against spousal permission for gays.
Posted by CESL at 9:04 AM 0 comments
N. Y. Court Rules Mayor Will Face Trial
In “N. Y. Court Rules Mayor Will Face Trial,” by Michael Gormley, from the washinghtonpost, says that in the State of New York a mayor was trying change the law allow gay couples to marry. Jason West believes that the gay couples have the same constitutional rights to wed. West’s position is that many states need to make a law about the rights of gay couples. However, because it will violate state law. West’s request was not accepted because the state court said that in the Constitution, it prohibits gay marriage. In Massachusetts, the Catholic Action League tried to stop gay marriage. The Supreme Judicial Court, which became the first to authorize same-sex weddings in 2003, however, rejected the lawsuit. In brief, the marriage between gay couples could not be denied because the voters would approve what the Catholic Action want.
Posted by CESL at 8:59 AM 0 comments